Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No, I didn't run off and marry an Elvis impersonator.

I've been meaning to update this for a while now, but honestly I've been too lazy. Pregnancy can do that to you sometimes. I have a better excuse than that though....

Please Welcome....dun, dun, duuuuuunnnnnnn!

Eli Rylan Born on February 1st @ 8:20am 8lbs 9oz. 20in. long

So as you can guess I've been pretty busy not sleeping, healing from major surgery, making bottles, keeping Gage from feeling left out, getting pooped and peed on..you know, the usual newborn stuff.

So let me tell you a little about Eli... He is a little nugget, so much so I keep calling him that instead of his name. He already is a snuggler, loves his swing and has the ability to hit you with projectile poop.

Of course though, being my kid there had to be something that went wrong. No, nothing physically or anything like that...just something to set him up to be picked on forever. I had been waiting for the paper to print his birth announcement, it usually takes a few weeks before they do. I don't get the paper, I usually just read it online when I feel like it. Well my mother called me to let me know that they finally posted his announcement, with one little problem. They announced that HE was born a SHE. Yep, they put that Eli Rylan was a daughter born to us. Awesome. So of course I called paper to tell them they needed to correct it and reprint it, which they are going to do with the next batch of birth announcements. The thing is though, there will always be that first printing. Hopefully any of those kids born around when he was don't discover it and decided that my kid is a young tranny. If he wants to be when he is older, fine...I just don't want him picked on in school. Poor kid. I know he is pretty, but he is ALL boy. The little punching bag between his little frog legs prove it.

Anyway, here are a few more pictures of my little nugget.

He is just over two weeks old and just like Gage, he is pretty awesome.

Speaking of Gage....

When we first brought Eli home Gage had a hard time. He wouldn't go near you if you were holding him and the poor thing just looked sad and confused. Like he was the fat kid in dodge ball or something. He is slowly adjusting and we are making sure to give him extra attention. It seems to be working, he is starting to show more interest in Eli and not wanting to grab him out of your arms. He is gentle with him, but I'm sure that won't last for long...especially once Eli is older.

As far as Gage's progress...

He seems to be doing pretty good. It's hard to really know what is going on now because he is in school most of the day and he can't tell me what he did. I depend on the "daily" reports we get. I said that in quotes because they are totally not daily. Gage has an aide all day, so I need to call and make sure that I get a daily report. He is following directions much better and is a lot more social with people. Potty training is not going so well though, I mean, he is doing a few things for them but at home it's nonexistent.

I don't have any pictures of Gage to put on here because the little turd refuses to take a decent picture lately. Every single time he makes a face and not a flattering face. He will cross his eyes, pick his nose...pretty much anything to make the picture goofy.

As for me...I decided I really hate c-sections. Well..surgery in general. This c-section's recovery was worse than Gage's was. I'm still not to where I need to be and it's annoying.

I guess that's it for now...I need a nap.

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